Don’t leave margin on the table.
Experience shows that most distributors are leaving at least two percentage points of gross trading margin on the table. This translates into 2% of total sales. Many companies can ultimately achieve more. The improvement is attainable fairly quickly and has proven to be sustainable. Two percent is the difference between mediocre profit results and stellar performance!
For many well-run distributors—those with a good handle on sales growth, expenses, and assets—gaining control over pricing is truly their last “unplowed field.” This book is a combination of business novel and guidebook with real-world lessons for distribution managers. It will show you how to gain control over your pricing function and turn your customer value proposition into value for your shareholders.
Another 200 or more basis points of margin may be just what many distribution managers need to stay profitable and preserve their companies in this economy. Seize the opportunity and use this book with your management team to implement a high-impact and sustainable strategic pricing system for your company.