E-BOOK – In Search of the Perfect Customer: Cost-to-Serve for Distributors

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As wholesaler-distributors operate in today’s economy, they must protect their most profitable, high-growth potential customers and avoid squandering their precious resources. If your sales compensation plan and other policies encourage your staff to misspend their time and your resources on the wrong customers, now is the time to act. If your company is overlooking opportunities to make money and stop profit leakage, this is the book for you!

After you read this book by distribution financial expert, Brent Grover, you’ll be better equipped to

* assign your people and assets to the most profitable and fastest-growing customer segments
* tailor your services to precisely meet the needs of your most valuable customers and avoid overserving your other customers
* ensure that your company is paid for the extra services that you provide to specific customers
* adjust your pricing to create shareholder value as well as customer value
* zero in your company’s strategy on your customers that contribute the most to your bottom line.