NAW’s political arm, the NAW Political Action Committee (NAW-PAC), was created to affect the composition of Congress by helping elect pro-business candidates supportive of the wholesale distribution industry.

NAW’s Political Action Committee is composed of two separate funds:

The Political Action Fund

The Political Action Fund (personal contributions from individuals) donates 100 cents on every dollar collected to candidates running for federal office.

The Corporate Political Education Fund

The Corporate Political Education Fund (corporate contributions) provides resources for essential political activities including voter registration drives, get-out-the-vote initiatives, candidate profiles, and the when-where-how to vote early/vote absentee/vote in person on Election Day.

NAW’s Voice in Washington

Visit the Government Relations page to learn more about how NAW is fighting for pro-business policies to help the wholesale distribution industry thrive.

If you are interested in giving to one of the NAW-PAC funds or have questions about contributions, please email [email protected] or call 202-872-0885.

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