Welcome to the National Association of Wholesaler-Distributors (NAW) first ever State Policy Update. As you may know, historically NAW has only focused on policy emanating from the Federal government. However, we are always looking for new ways to increase our offerings to members, especially in advocacy. The dysfunctional federal policy-making landscape highlights the growing importance of state-level legislation and regulations so in 2024 NAW is beginning to monitor and report on legislative activities at the state level that pertain to wholesale distribution.
We aim to keep you more up to date on key issues, legislation, and regulatory changes impacting wholesale distribution at the state level. By keeping you better informed, we hope to make it easier for you to navigate the state regulatory environment facing every NAW member, whether your company consists of a single facility or hundreds of facilities across dozens of states. Your input and feedback will be invaluable as we shape and refine this initiative to meet your evolving needs. If you have any ideas, questions, or are aware of an issue you think we should be monitoring, please email [email protected].
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