PAF uses your contributions to help support candidates running for federal office. This fund is unique in that it donates 100 cents on every dollar directly to the candidates in order to increase pro-business representation in Congress.
Who Can Contribute?
The NAW Political Action Fund (PAF) can accept contributions only from a “restricted class” of individuals. The eligible restricted class includes individuals who are U.S. citizens and are executive or administrative personnel of a company that belongs to NAW as a Direct Member, or that belongs to any national association that is a member of NAW. If you are not a member of the restricted class described above, you cannot make a contribution to the Political Action Fund. NOTE: Should a contribution be made by an individual who does not meet the requirements of the restricted class, a refund will be issued by NAW-PAC.
What Funds Can Be Accepted
Federal law requires that all contributions to PAF be in the form of personal dollars from individuals only. PAF may not accept corporate contributions.
Before making a personal contribution to this fund, please review the “Who Can Contribute” information above. If you meet the requirements of the “restricted class” described, and you want to make a contribution to the Political Action Fund now, continue to the form below.
Contribute to the Political Action Fund
The below form is for credit card contributions.
Before making your contribution to the NAW Political Action Fund, please make sure that you are allowed, by law, to contribute: Only U.S. citizens who are executive and administrative personnel of a company that belongs to the National Association of Wholesaler-Distributors (NAW) as a Direct Member, or that belongs to any association that is a member of NAW, may contribute. If you are not a member of this “restricted class,” stop here. You are not eligible to contribute. If you are eligible, please continue.
NOTE: Federal Law Requires You To Complete Section (1) Below Before Completing Section (2). Your Contribution Cannot Be Processed Until The Company Approval Has Been Received By NAW-PAC.