Today, the Partnership for Employer-Sponsored Coverage Coalition, which NAW helps manage, spearheaded two letters to both the House and Senate supporting the bipartisan Middle Class Health Benefits Tax Repeal Act (H.R. 748), introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives to repeal the 40 percent excise tax on employer-sponsored coverage, known as the Cadillac Tax, and the Senate-introduced Jobs and Premium Protection Act (S. 80), to repeal the Health Insurance Tax (HIT).
These bipartisan tax measures address revenue provisions of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) which are problematic to the over 181 million Americans enrolled in employment-based health coverage. Advocating for employer-sponsored coverage and protecting health care access for businesses of all sizes remains a top priority for NAW. We urge all Members of Congress to protect our businesses by fully repealing the Health Insurance Tax (HIT) and the Cadillac Tax once and for all.
Click here to read the letter of endorsement for H.R. 748, and click here to read the letter of endorsement for S. 80.