WASHINGTON, DC – The National Association of Wholesaler-Distributors (NAW) this week alerted President Biden to the potential of additional supply chain disruptions due to the implementation of Executive Order 14042, Ensuring Adequate Covid Safety Protocols for Federal Contractors (September 9, 2021).

In part, the letter reads:

NAW urges that the Executive Order’s implementation be revised to avoid this calamity and provide alternatives to promote safety, including testing, and consider a short-term delay to provide time to carry out these changes and to avoid further supply chain disruptions in the coming months.

[T]here are still employees across the distribution industry who – for whatever reason – refuse to be vaccinated. This reality will present new challenges if this Executive Order is implemented as written: thousands of valued employees will be forced out of their jobs shortly before the holidays, the already compromised supply chain will be under added pressure during the busiest time of the year, and the already tight labor market will make it immeasurably more difficult to replace laid off employees, compounding supply chain disruptions

To read the full letter, please click here.