WASHINGTON, DC – The National Association of Wholesaler-Distributors (NAW) today issued the following statement regarding the Build Back Better (BBB) framework.
From Eric Hoplin, President and CEO:
The Build Back Better framework, despite the efforts of many to decrease its size and cost, remains a massive tax increase on family-owned and small businesses during a pandemic, introducing new taxes on small pass-through companies that would be targeted under the same framework aimed at wealthy individuals. Thousands of individual and family-owned companies are disproportionally affected by changes that the Biden administration seems to think will only affect “the rich,” failing to acknowledge the existence of S-Corp businesses on Main Street.
With rising inflation, a labor shortage, and a supply chain under extreme pressure, added taxes will jeopardize American jobs and businesses still recovering from the ongoing global pandemic. America’s individual and family-owned distributors and businesses have worked to keep the economy moving and massive new taxes would harm both businesses and workers at a time when neither can afford it.