As you know, the Obama-appointed National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) several years ago promulgated a new rule designed to shorten the time between a union’s successful organizing campaign and the resulting certification election.  This rule, called the “Ambush Rule” or “Quickie Election Rule” by opponents because, as a result of the rule, an employer could face a successful organizing campaign of which he/she was not even aware, and the abbreviated time between the notice and the election made it very difficult for the employer to adequately prepare for the election, or to communicate with employees on the impact of unionization.

Last year the new GOP-majority NLRB published a Request for Information seeking comment on whether the Ambush Rule should be retained, retained with modifications, or rescinded entirely.

The Coalition for a Democratic Workplace, which NAW helps manage, prepared comments in response to the Board’s Request for Information. NAW joined those comments, which were filed with the NLRB today.

Click here to read the full CDW/NAW comments.