The wholesale distribution industry provides millions of Americans with safe and reliable jobs that are essential to the U.S. economic supply chain. 

Washington, DC – Today, the National Association of Wholesaler-Distributors filed comments urging the Occupational Safety and Health Administration to withdraw its proposal to make changes to the worker walkaround representative designation process. 

“The proposal does not serve anyone that is interested in furthering workplace safety, and OSHA should abandon it,” said NAW Chief Government Relations Officer Brian Wild. “As drafted the proposal conflicts with federal labor law, violates property rights, endangers trade secrets, and increases liability risks,” concluded Wild.   

The National Association of Wholesaler-Distributors (NAW) is one of America’s leading trade associations, representing the $8 trillion wholesale distribution industry. Founded in 1946, NAW comprises national, regional, and state employers of all sizes, industry trade associations, partners, and stakeholders spanning all distribution sectors. Our industry employs more than 6 million workers throughout the United States, accounting for 1/3 of the U.S. GDP. 35,000 wholesale distribution companies operate nearly 150,000 places of business across North America, including all 50 states. 
