We are just weeks away from Election Day and several states have already opened early voting: Illinois, Michigan, Mississippi, South Dakota, Vermont, and Virginia. Candidates from school board to President are in full sprint, and the yard-sign wars are hot and heavy.
However, there are still a handful of items Congress needs to conclude in Washington, D.C. before they head to their respective states to campaign full-time. The most important item of business is to pass a Continuing Resolution (CR) to keep the government funded past the end of the fiscal year on September 30. It looks like they will accomplish that feat after House Republicans failed their previous attempts because of in-fighting (a familiar refrain) they are conceding to the will of Democratic members and extending government funding through December 20. The result means we will have a lame-duck session of Congress after the elections, a final opportunity for the most ineffective Congress in modern history to try to get some legislation done before a new President is sworn in next year.
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