Speed is the theme for the next 5 months in D.C., even more striking because up until now Congress moved policy at a snail’s pace. In less than a month we transitioned from post-election analysis to implementation with policymakers juggling three balls at once.
Ending the 118th Congress: As previously stated, this was an incredibly ineffective Congress, focused more on infighting than legislating and everyone is ready to close the books and move on. The sausage will get made but mostly by simply kicking the can into next year and hoping it will be better. Regardless, we are active in making sure nothing sneaks into these final bills that might harm our industry.
Maecenas mattis, libero quis luctus egestas, nisl mauris aliquet dolor, et mattis lacus lacus et enim. Sed iaculis est ante, ac scelerisque ante scelerisque quis. Etiam purus urna, hendrerit in velit quis, finibus accumsan augue. Pellentesque vel consequat nibh. Aliquam condimentum lobortis lorem quis dapibus. In eleifend, lectus sit amet congue scelerisque, leo massa tincidunt eros, eget eleifend purus tellus eget nisi. Aenean vitae nisl velit. Praesent blandit magna sed ante pellentesque, nec aliquet lorem feugiat. Mauris elementum lorem ut nisi tempor, ut viverra augue pharetra. Aliquam at elementum eros.
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