The ever-shrinking Republican majority in the U.S. House of Representatives continues to stymie almost all congressional efforts to govern.  As I type, Speaker Mike Johnson has seen his majority dwindle to 219-213, a margin of just two votes to hold onto the speakership.  In the last few weeks, Republican leadership lost six votes on the House floor, something that would have seemed impossible just a few years ago. Congress has yet to fully fund government for the current fiscal year, which began back on October 1, 2023.  The current two-step continuing resolution that is keeping government open expires on March 1st and March 8th, and threats of a government shutdown are once again upon us.  

The inability of Congress to function has not prevented two other events: the continuing advance of the Biden Administration’s regulatory overreach, and the official launch of the 2024 election season.  NAW has been busy pushing back against these new proposed regulations and is increasingly engaging with the courts to prevent the power grab of the executive branch.   Politically, we have also ramped up engagement with the first House and Senate primaries coming on March 5th.   NAW and NAW-PAC are working to build a pro-business Congress that can govern effectively. Early engagement with candidates and introducing them to our issues, and the importance of our free enterprise system for all Americans, is vital. 

- Brian Wild

Maecenas mattis, libero quis luctus egestas, nisl mauris aliquet dolor, et mattis lacus lacus et enim. Sed iaculis est ante, ac scelerisque ante scelerisque quis. Etiam purus urna, hendrerit in velit quis, finibus accumsan augue. Pellentesque vel consequat nibh. Aliquam condimentum lobortis lorem quis dapibus. In eleifend, lectus sit amet congue scelerisque, leo massa tincidunt eros, eget eleifend purus tellus eget nisi. Aenean vitae nisl velit. Praesent blandit magna sed ante pellentesque, nec aliquet lorem feugiat. Mauris elementum lorem ut nisi tempor, ut viverra augue pharetra. Aliquam at elementum eros.

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