Response to the State of the Union Address; Labor Updates; Financial Updates
Just when you thought a bet on congressional dysfunction was a sure thing, they finally get their act together and avert a partial government shutdown by passing a six-bill, FY2024 spending package ahead of the March 8th deadline. It has been a busy couple of weeks in DC, dominated by a bipartisan compromise to keep government funded, and beginning, middle and end of the presidential primary season. However, Congress still has six additional funding bills to pass by March 22nd, which includes Defense, Homeland Security and Labor-HHS. Lastly, the rush of new regulations from Federal agencies continues, and we have some movement on a few court cases that could impact your business.
- Brian Wild
Maecenas mattis, libero quis luctus egestas, nisl mauris aliquet dolor, et mattis lacus lacus et enim. Sed iaculis est ante, ac scelerisque ante scelerisque quis. Etiam purus urna, hendrerit in velit quis, finibus accumsan augue. Pellentesque vel consequat nibh. Aliquam condimentum lobortis lorem quis dapibus. In eleifend, lectus sit amet congue scelerisque, leo massa tincidunt eros, eget eleifend purus tellus eget nisi. Aenean vitae nisl velit. Praesent blandit magna sed ante pellentesque, nec aliquet lorem feugiat. Mauris elementum lorem ut nisi tempor, ut viverra augue pharetra. Aliquam at elementum eros.
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