Join us at the NAW Large Company Roundtables May 17-18, 2023 in Chicago! This is an exclusive community of thought leaders from Large Company distribution enterprises who congregate to network with non-competing peers in multiple lines of trade on key issues. The companies invited into this community are from distribution firms between $80 and $799 million in annual sales.
Draft Agenda
Day 1 – Wednesday, May 17, 2023
1:00 PM Registration Opens, Welcome Coffee Reception
Check into your cohort, grab a coffee, and get the details ahead of our day one kick-off.
1:30 PM Cohort Educational Session and Roundtable Discussion | Analytics
Operations: Analytics – Data and analytics are the modern-day microscope, telling us more about our behaviors, our customers, and our results than ever before. In this session, you will learn about how to use and analyze your company data both internally and externally to optimize your efforts, improve operations, and impact outcomes.
3:15 PM Break
3:30 PM Plenary Session | Performing During Lean Times
Step out of your executive cohort and learn from others about what works and what doesn’t during lean times. This tailored plenary session explores tangible methods for improving operations, better-controlling expenditures, and effectively deploying new processes that demonstrate progress and tangible ROI.
4:30 PM Cohort Networking Roundtable
Get to know your industry peers a bit better during this cohort-specific networking experience.
5:30 PM Break
6:00 PM Cocktail Reception
Network and deepen your conversations and connections with industry peers over cocktails and appetizers at our opening reception.
7:00 PM Dinner
8:30 PM Evening Concludes
Finish your evening with a memorable dining experience in the heart of downtown Chicago. Enjoy great food and mingle and dine with other talented distribution executives, in and out of your cohort.
Day 2 – Thursday, May 18, 2023
7:15 AM Breakfast
Start the morning off right and converse with peers over a delicious cup of coffee as you join attendees for a hearty breakfast, ahead of a great day of programming and conversations.
8:00 AM Plenary Session | Business Innovation
Take your business to the next level by maximizing new processes and modifying your existing operations to advance your organization and provide a better experience for customers and introduce improved offerings.
8:45 AM Break
9:00 AM Cohort Networking Roundtable
Keep the conversation going and expand on the great relationships you’ve been building.
10:00 AM Break
10:15 AM Cohort Educational Session and Roundtable Discussion |
Operations: Warehouse Management Systems – Help your business cut costs, create more visibility, and reduce errors through ERP, WMS, and other enterprise software solutions.
12:00 – 1:00 PM Networking Lunch
1:00 PM Adjourn