Washington, DC (June 22, 2017) … The Discussion Draft of the Senate Republican health care bill released earlier today has received an enthusiastic “thumbs-up” from the National Association of Wholesaler-Distributors (NAW) whose President and CEO, Dirk Van Dongen, released the following statement:
“NAW members believe it is time to end the Nation’s seven-year Affordable Care Act experiment. Despite the intentions of its advocates, the fruit of the ACA is a health care system heavily burdened by government mandates and taxes, rising premium and out-of-pocket costs and increasingly limited access to coverage and care. The time has come to at long last turn the page on “Obamacare” and move toward a more market-oriented, patient-centered system, the surest path toward lower cost, higher quality and enhanced access.
“The approach set forth in the Discussion Draft of the Better Care Reconciliation Act of 2017 takes important strides in this direction, and will strengthen our private, employment-based health benefits system through which 177 million Americans today receive coverage. Of particular note in the Discussion Draft are provisions to repeal employer mandate penalties; repeal of the health insurance tax and other cost-generating ACA taxes and delay through 2025 of the implementation of the “Cadillac Tax;” and expanded health savings accounts (HSA) and flexible spending accounts (FSA). The authorization of the formation and multistate operation of small business health plans (SBHP) will enhance access to quality coverage and care for employees of small businesses and is an important plus.
“NAW looks forward to working with allies in the employer community and on the Hill to win Senate passage of this legislation and to put a bill on the President’s desk at the earliest possible date.”