Today, NAW joined over 200 businesses and national, state, and local organizations in sending a letter to both the House and Senate supporting the Commonsense Reporting Act (H.R. 3919/S. 1908). The bipartisan, bicameral Commonsense Reporting Act provides consumers with help during the annual health coverage open enrollment process, employers with relief from the burdensome reporting
Today, NAW joined over 200 businesses and national, state, and local organizations in sending a letter to both the House and Senate supporting the Commonsense Reporting Act (H.R. 3919/S. 1908).
The bipartisan, bicameral Commonsense Reporting Act provides consumers with help during the annual health coverage open enrollment process, employers with relief from the burdensome reporting requirements, and Exchanges with an additional tool to verify tax credit and subsidy eligibility. This bill also protects the privacy of individuals’ Social Security numbers, authorizes the electronic transmission of reporting information, and establishes oversight of reporting verification.
The Partnership for Employer-Sponsored Coverage Coalition, which NAW helps manage, spearheaded the letter to ensure that employer-sponsored coverage is strengthened and remains a viable, affordable option for millions of American workers and their families for decades to come.
Click here to read the letter of endorsement for S.1908, and click here to read the letter of endorsement for H.R. 3919.