Distributors are stepping up to the challenges of our time, and our first-ever Facing the Forces of Change® challenge paper, Creating Innovations and Shaping the Future of Business: A Look at Commerce, Technology and Human Forces in Distribution, shares essential insights that you can act on now. As NAW and NAW Institute for Distribution Excellence Fellow Mark Dancer work on the next Facing the Forces of Change® study, Mark is hearing great stories of distributors working hard to innovate their businesses. Momentum is building, and by sharing our most urgent findings in this challenge paper, we aim to help in real time.
This brand-new challenge paper includes preliminary findings and actionable ideas. It is a launching pad for the work of NAW and Mark Dancer in the year ahead, and it is also a template for distributors to follow. Click here to find out how your business can become an innovator of business services. Reach out to Mark Dancer at [email protected] and share your feedback and participate in the research.