This week, the House Ways and Means Committee passed legislation to modernize Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) and to further delay the Cadillac Tax until 2022.
The National Coalition on Benefits (NCB), which NAW helps manage, spearheaded a letter to Chairman Brady and Ranking Member Neal to ensure that employer-sponsored coverage is strengthened and remains a viable, affordable option for millions of American workers and their families for decades to come. NAW has long advocated for legislative changes to improve HSAs for working families.
In addition, NAW has urged Congress to repeal the employer mandate, the health insurance tax, the medical device tax and the so-called Cadillac tax outright. While we continue to advocate in favor of the outright repeal of these provisions, NAW strongly supports the legislation passed by the Ways and Means Committee to provide relief in the coming years for the employer mandate and Cadillac tax. We will continue to urge the Committee and Congress to continue to delay and fully repeal the taxes that were enacted as part of Obamacare.
Click here to read the NCB letter.