E-BOOK – Sales and Marketing Optimization: Developing Competitive Value Propositions in Distribution

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Sales and Marketing Optimization: Developing Competitive Value Propositions in Distribution is a first-of-its-kind, best practices study that focuses on aligning customer needs, sales force priorities, and wholesaler-distributor objectives to maximize value creation. This study speaks to the critical business issues all wholesaler-distributors face in leading and growing their organizations. As the economy continues to struggle, there is no more important time than right now for distribution management teams to read this book!

Sales and Marketing Optimization is jam-packed with 30 best practices from actual wholesaler-distributors; 60 action steps that your firm can implement immediately; 122 examples from wholesaler-distributors across many lines of trade!

What makes this book so different from classic sales books that focus on “personal selling” tactics is that it examines sales and marketing for distributors from a much broader perspective in terms of sales and marketing strategy, processes, and more importantly, their connection to shareholder value and customer service. Included with this book is a separate, over-sized Sales and Marketing Framework wall map to help you follow how sales and marketing business processes and financial drivers are linked to enhance shareholder value.

With today’s new economic environment representing more volatility and uncertainty, supplier and customer relationships have become more complex. Every wholesaler-distributor’s value proposition must adapt to the new economy by understanding sales and marketing functions at a deeper level. Putting a narrow focus on selling as “putting more feet on the street” and marketing as “designing new brochures” can no longer be the norm. The new horizon demands a more cohesive approach to sales and marketing, from strategy and processes to its impact on shareholder value. Educating your staff about these sales and marketing best practices will provide them with tools, knowledge, and motivation to establish and sustain this important business process for continually improving your shareholder value.